Your financial contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Click the link below to watch the channel 3 news story on how, and why we started; And see what keeps us going
On July 7th 2018 Homeless hookup CLE, Will celebrate! We celebrate several milestones; reaching 501(c)3 status, have terminal tower lit all red to raise awareness of the homeless hookup, to reach more donators, making the maximum impact possible, in our own city! To show our thanks for all the support, we are buying 100 personal pizzas and handing them out to tent city, east side and west. then, giving the rest to the ones on the street. ITS A HOMELESS PIZZA PARTY IN PUBLIC SQUARE! (we will be back the following day. to clean up any pizza boxes or trash our party left behind. these are our streets. these are our people).
Follow @TowerLightsCLE on twitter to see the updates on the tower and for the many different causes, it lights up for.
Thanks to our sponsors:
Casey Wandell,
Pizza fire- highland heights/Strongsville,
Ross Hampton ,
K&D lighting
Homeless Hookup started as a very, grass roots organization. handing out small provisional items to the homeless. As more and more people saw our passion for helping others, and they saw the gratitude these little items bring, the more of an impact we, as an organization made. Enabling us to make bigger and better packets, weekly donations, Toy Drives, Fund raisers, and so much more!
However, I believe we have reached our grass roots limit, and its time for us to branch out and keep this much needed mission alive. In order to do that, we will be going 501(C)3 tax exempt! This way we can collect bigger contributions to make an even larger impact. We may not solve the homelessness crisis, but you can bet everything you have, that we will make a massive impact. The 501(c)3 was filed may 17th 2018 and we will proudly keep everyone updated on that process!
With the help of the Lakewood fire and EMT, we have acquired our new bus! (Its actually a 1985 Honeybee RV. But, with the help of the Lakewoods Fire and EMT, we have retrofitted it with a endless hot water heater, a barbers chair, thrift store and a soup kitchen. Making it the very first Mobile Homeless Hygiene Unit.
The homeless hookup made an appearance at this years, 2018 Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon, (pictures below). We ran 13.1 miles carrying a bag of donations. Thank you to everyone who help me for this event. Big Thank you to VERTICAL RUNNER of Brecksville for giving me the gear I needed to get through the long hard race! Also, A big thank you to Beth Minadeo and Bianca Nicole for your major roles in helping me prepare!
Race Results
Total placement: 1,615 out of 4,124
Half marathon time: 2 hours 6 minutes 36 seconds
10k time: 56 minutes 36 seconds
There were 74 kids in the shelter on Christmas eve. 174 toys to donate... every kid got 2 toys PLUS a stockings made by Amanda Carr!!! Plus we sponsored a family of 2 kids, (with one on the way.). It was a HUGE success this year! Thank you, Skii A. Burk, Tonya Korber, Beth Minadeo, Reggie Brown, Jill Backus Steury, Kathy Curran, Bianca Nicole, Danil Gatalyak, Matthew Ausperk and Ross Hampton. Also, to all the donations brought in through the Amazon wish list, THANK YOU! A list of thank you cards will be going out to those who donated. All the cards are hand created by local kids with downs syndrome. Great cause to support. Also, verry berry smoothie, Goddess blessed, and Title Boxing club for being continued points of donation drop offs for
The Homeless Hookup is an organization dedicated to helping the less fortunate affected by poverty and homelessness. We go out 1 to 2 times per week and hand out emergency packets filled with hygiene items and seasonal necessities. We also do toy drives throughout the year.
Our number one goal is the well-being and humanizing of those passed by on the streets every day. Secondly, transparency with donations. We go live every week, handing out donations. So, be sure to follow and like us on FaceBook!
Eventually our goal is to provide job and housing placement and offer short term shelters for families in need.
For the full exclusive story on the homeless hookup and how it was started visit News channel 3 WKYC @
Whether you help through monetary donations, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.
Copyright © 2023 Homeless Hookup CLE - All Rights Reserved.